Accountability is what has made all the difference for me since I started my coaching journey. It's helped me to identify that without being accountable to somebody it's unlikely that I will complete all that is necessary to bring me to a desired outcome.

For anybody interested in human design I'm a manifesting generator. I have a lot of ideas and a lot of inspiration. I'm a “creative”. I start a lot of projects and I juggle a lot of things. I see potential in everything and I think anything's possible. In the Enneagram I'm a number 4, an Intense Creative/Individualist, at other times doing the test I’m a no. 7 ‘the visionary’. I'm also born on the 22nd of December so I'm on the cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn (one is more organised and one is creative, managed well they work GREAT together, not so well it can be tricky) and am a Solstice babe (born and raised in NZ). I acknowledge that we each think, feel and lean towards this or that and what I've shared may or may not resonate. I’m merely painting a picture and am covering all the bases to explain myself a little. I also identify with being neurodiverse, I think and feel deeply, I'm peri-menopausal, been self employed for the past 15 years and I'm a single mum. So yeah, there’s some colourful ingredients in my mix.
Accountability has been the secret sauce to keep me on track with my mission and to keep me on track with following my passions. Over the past 5 years I've worked with seven different coaches and I can say with absolute certainty that I wouldn't be where I am today without the work that I've done with the love, support, backing and accountability these coaches provide.
I'm (mostly) happy with where I'm at today and the path feels (mostly) clear for me in terms of where I'm headed. I have a big vision and I dance my way to and fro towards and around it AND having the accountability from a coach keeps me from deviating too far afield.
A coach is somebody who cheer leads me, somebody who checks in with me on what my goals and dreams are and somebody who wants to know what I’m doing about those goals and dreams (and oftentimes will remind me of my bigger vision and the crucial steps I myself identified needing to be taken along the way), a coach for me is somebody who helps me to clearly outline what is most important and somebody who calls me out on my bullshit when I sell out short on myself, they see my ‘blind spots’ and shine a flipping light right in the face of the thing I may be doing my best to avoid e.g. I may be making excuses about not having the desired number of coachees right now/it feels like a hustle etc.

One of my coaches once said ‘you want coaching clients, well what did you do today to attract one/some?
Do something right now, during this call - take some action (the exact kind of thing I willingly, lovingly and powerfully do with one of my own clients).
A coach I work with is somebody who is so invested in my vision and me as a person and journeys along right beside me so I don’t need to feel so alone. A coach I choose to work with is somebody who supports me to identify things about myself which I may struggle to identify on my own. Someone who gives me that supportive nudge to keep going, to make tweaks and reminds me to serve from the truth of my heart.
Coaching has helped me see clearly where certain choices from my past have guided me to this place where I am today. AND again, I like who I am and where I am today.
Accountability has made all the difference.
I don’t always and I’ve not always been able to rely on myself. This is a fact, a lived reality. If I’m not ‘on it’, it can be easy to lose sight of all the things that need done and the order in which they need to be done. Accountability plays a massive role in sieving through all those details.
It’s not just a transformational coach that plays a valuable role in accountability for me.
I have a merry band of people and supporters around me that nurture my need for being accountable to someone to help illuminate the parts of me that need specific attention. I have 3 people with different skills helping me in my business. I have a partner that helps me to ‘gamify’ things that feel annoying and difficult to deal with and instead make them fun. I have a friend that meets with me regularly while we sit together, I work on my Visa situation and they catch up on their own ‘affairs’ (as I write this i’m currently at the 10.5yr mark having lived in the UK and i’m here as a visitor - that is about to change, it's been triggering as F for me….long story AND the way to make it work is to have an accountability pal at the ready, I shared a celebration about this in a recent Facebook post). I’ve progressed my visa situation ahead HUGELY since doing this.
I've worked with and I will continue to work with coaches in different capacities. I've worked with health coaches. I've worked with business coaches. I've worked with writing coaches. I've worked with transformational coaches. I've worked with a mindset coach. I’ve worked with a personal growth coach. I work with social media experts. I’ve worked with and work with organised masters and I'm sure I've worked with more folk I don’t quite remember right now!
Let me also clarify something, it's always ultimately me that does the ‘thing’, i’m the engine behind all I do, it's like being the driver of a car and having someone in the passenger's seat who finds the right radio station - that’s a simplified metaphor to describe the role of an accountability pal. Without them I might be stuck with not quite being on the station and end up just turning it off, the accountability pal supports me to cross over the line!
Knowing that there's somebody out there with the particular skill set and a particular vibe that I'm going to gel with is so exciting to me. Knowing that it's just a simple case of getting clear about what I need and then going out into the world to find or attract that person is the easy part. AND it has to be said that if I’m struggling with this, I’m a pro at finding someone to help me draw out what kind of person I need! There is a certain someone out there at all times whose work it is to help me to get to where I want to go (because in the process they are getting where they need to go!). I love seeing life like that.
Regardless of if it's in a movement class, at an event for an intimate group or with a 1-2-1 coaching client. In different capacities obviously. I get properly invested into people's lives and into their dreams. I see myself as a significant part of their journey towards becoming who they are here on this earth to be.
Accountability is simple for me. Where somebody holds space for me to keep me on track with where I want to be going.
And in the work I do, I hold space for somebody so they can clearly see where they are going and cheer them on to take steps to get there.
Thank you for your time and attention here AND if you feel the urge, please get in touch and tell me about what role accountability plays in your life.
X Bron