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I'm excited. Really really excited, and here's why:


I whipped up these creations in preparation for the recent 'Firewalk Your Way to Freedom' event I ran in collaboration with Aphra Wilson (whipped up a vegan curry, roasties, a slice and some gift soaps).

I am hard core about creating spaces that feel like home, I'm OBSESSED with bringing community together and feeling like one big happy family, it just feels good and right. I've had a HUGE journey with this. I'm part Maori, it's in my blood and bones to gather community.

Ive been feeling for years now that I've not had the time, energy or self conviction to say, be and do things the way I'd like to. Then I went to NZ over Xmas and came back questioning how I was living life and showing up in the world and in my business. I came back feeling 'rattled'. It had been 4 yrs since I'd been home and I felt really torn, I wasn't that person anymore AND I needed to find a way to feel harmony for who I am in both worlds (it's a blessing and a curse at times this being conscious, self awareness gig ).

Then Amelia J Pace and I ran our BodyLove retreat in Cumbria in March. IT WAS OFF THE RICHTER.

Half way through some really old 'group/I'm not enough' shizz got triggered and that's when I decided to get 'FIERCE AS FECK' about how I was using my time and energy and about who I want to be and how I want to show up in this business. I was no longer feeling the same feel good feelings about my work because of all the 'stuff' that had come up. And that didn't feel great, for me or my clients.

AND so in true 'go for it Bron style' I reached out for support:

  • I'm seeing a psychotherapist

  • I've had EMDR

  • I'm seeing a herbalist and am taking a bitter concoction to support dopamine, down regulation and focus

  • I'm half way through an EPIC & TRANSFORMATIONAL 11month program called Limitless with Dr. Sarah Madigan. The support, belief, accountability and opportunities to lean into expansion are CHOICE.

  • In being part of the Limitless program I had my Enneagram Report done which helped me to better understand myself and why I think, feel and do certain things and how to bring more alignment into my world. You can get a report report done here and pay a small fee to get a more comprehensive report done.

  • I receive regular transformational coaching

  • I have really honest conversations with my partner of 1year, facing ALL the challenges and triggers that a relationship brings. I'm understanding them and myself on a deeper level than ever before and taking responsibility for where I've been a dick, unconscious or acting out of conditioned habits

  • I've gotten curious and am exploring research and coping tools for ADHD & neurodiversity

  • I'm intentionally slowly listening to The Power of NOW, by Eckhart Tolle

  • I've got inspiration from Mel Robbins about having a solid morning routine (& am seeing hearts everywhere)

I'm also pretty diligent in the following areas:

  • I'm prioritising quality connection time with my son and have implemented some really good structure, he's HAPPIER and more settled than ever

  • I have the bestest friend, accountability buddy, business buddy, earth loving, soul sister in Amelia (how vital is a really really good friend!!!)

  • I'm flooded with the most beautiful, powerful, loving and badass collective of friends and particurlarly women who are doing HUGE and IMPORTANT things in the world. Can you feel the vibrations?

  • I consciously taking the next step forward in all the most important areas of my life (which is mostly self mastery for me).

  • HUGE shoutout to Laura Gomez Murphy for her creative, skilful and technical genius in my business And probably most important thing is I'm acutely aware of when I'm feeling derailed and am quickly accessing tools to get back on track. That's another post entirely for another day/week/month x

Paying Attention, Taking Action & Investing

I'm ALL ABOUT THIS COMBO! I'm feeling 'on track' and can see and feel the benefits of this oozing out into my business through coaching and the movement classes I run. My 'self-work' benefits all my clients and that feels good and clean.

Feel good feedback

"She has something very special”. "You create such a safe space, and your class has reignited my love of dancing and the playful part of me"

To do something I love and get this kind of feedback is just TOO MUCH

On the back of all these 'better than back on track vibes' I've created and am starting my first flipping online course aimed at movement practitioners in June! This course and I were MADE for each other!

And so to basically round this post off I'd like to finish off by saying, 'what's gone on behind the scenes so that I could produce these goodies with unconditional love and to feel aligned in doing so is A LOT'.

Thanks for tuning in for Bron's war n peace on today.

I love you & I'm so grateful for your time and attention xx Bron



  • 2 x 1-2-1 6-12 month coaching spaces currently open. If you're interested and want to experience a free 1hr coaching session to see if we're a fit please PM me.

  • Summer Solstice with BroMelia (Bron & Amelia) 17-18th June, Kinross

  • Flashmob 12:34pm 24th June 2023 in The Meadows, Edinburgh to 'Come Alive' from The Greatest Showman. Email going out soon so sign up for all the deets. These events are just so much flipping fun! AND this is the part that really excites me, I've got young kids helping me with the choreography!!!!

  • Firewalk Your Way to Freedom 2-3rd September 2023.

  • Next BodyLove retreat 1-4th March 2024, 6 spaces sold already (to our last attendees), 7 remaining. Details/tickets available on website.

  • Shine Bright Like a Diamond A transformational 6-week program designed for movement teachers/enthusiasts/practitioners. Whether you've never taught a class or you're an experienced instructor looking to shake things up! Shine Like A Diamond will revolutionize teaching approaches, skyrocket confidence, and unleash the full potential inside magical movers.

  • So much more! Head to my website to hear all about it.

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