Rebecca is based in the US, is a Black Belt Nia teacher, acupuncturist, healer and delightful being. Rebecca is also what is referred to as a 'dream client'. The type of client who is willing to take radical responsibility for herself, her life, her actions and her future. She commits with a full and loving heart to being the very best version of herself. She also invited me along on the journey with her. Rebecca reached out to me in early 2023 with a curiosity about coaching. Somehow I’d popped up in her social media feed, through our connected Nia channels if I remember rightly. We had a free 1-2-1 online discovery call and soon after Rebecca signed up to work with me for 12 months. It was GLORIOUS! Witnessing Rebecca taking action to show up more lovingly, compassionately and powerfully for herself and in the world was such a gift to witness and experience. At the end of our time working together Rebecca knew there was still more work to do. And so, she signed up for another six months. I love Rebecca with all my heart and am so grateful for all the ways she shines in this world and for the ripple effect that her shine has on my life. One day we will be in the same room dancing together, and between dance sessions we’ll share food, cups of tea, words and more beautiful moments. I can’t wait for that day - using the concept of ‘Natural Time’ from Nia (“The honouring of the rhythms of nature, as opposed to following the current calendar and clock that run most of our lives”) that will happen exactly when it’s meant to. Our latest six month round of coaching sessions are drawing to a close, and so with this I invited Rebecca to share some inner musings of our shared time together in what has been a glorious coaching bubble. And with love I now hand this space over to Rebecca x
Hello! I am one of Bron’s 12 months+ coaching clients. I would love to share with you about my experience working with Bron!
I started just about a year and a half ago in the spring of 2023. When I look back on it, the whole process was the beginning of following my intuition. I live in the United States, and I suppose because we are both part of the Nia community, Bron was coming into my social media feeds. There was one video where she was being her vulnerable/powerful self and just speaking in such a plain and human way that I was intrigued. Her lack of ego and abundance of spirit drew me in.
It was very impulsive of me but I just decided then and there that I wanted to sign up and have this person help me uncover some layers and start living life in a way that would be more aligned with my potential.
I remember our first inquiry call where I felt so deeply seen and couldn’t begin to imagine how that would impact my life. Because of the safety I felt I began to learn a new way to be in relationship with myself and my work and my life. Through our sessions understanding this different way to be was, in my mind, the focus. So, what was the new way???
The new way
The new way, in short, is every time the old feelings of ‘not-enoughness’ or imposter syndrome arrive, I use that as my cue to remember there is nothing I have to do to prove anything. My greatest gift is just simply to be myself and maybe turn up the volume on that . . . full stop. That’s it! This new way of being with myself and my work has allowed so much more connection and benefit for myself, my family, and my patients and students.
In addition to bringing more of “just me” to everything I do, I have learned from my time with Bron to hold on to a more expansive view of what is possible. OK, not just more expansive, but infinitely more expansive. It is simply a matter of getting clear on what your heart is really calling for and then taking that next step. Bron helped me get clear on what my heart wants to express in this lifetime and helped me find the courage to just put it out there. When I have acted from this place there is very often a lovely synchronistic cascade of events that come along as a nod from the universe saying, yes live from that place!

Bron’s ability to hold space in the places I feel most tender and vulnerable allowed for me to keep showing up more fully in our sessions together and in my life. The sessions have given me a lighter heart and a deeper connection to my purpose.
I am forever grateful. And I find it 100 percent wild we did all of this over zoom!!!
X Rebecca
I love how REBECCA lives so fully from her heart
Wow! Pretty cool share right? I’m blown away by Rebecca's journey. I love how she lives so fully from her heart and how much she has leaned more fully into her intuition. Some of the shares I’ve had from Rebecca over the past 18 months are !X&%£ SERIOUSLY GOOD! Holding space for someone to get in unshakeable contact with that part of them that makes them them is such a privilege.

My whole reason for doing this work is to guide people to show up more authentically in their ‘One Sweet Lives’ and in doing so to ‘reclaim their truth’.
The way I’m feeling right now AND the way I feel before, during and after every single coaching tells me that I’m doing what I’m meant to be doing in this lifetime.
Are you doing what you ought to be doing? Don’t overthink this one, and trust the thing that first comes up for you (as in yes, no or kind of). And then, like your life depends on it, give yourself permission to do more, to change what you're doing and to get the support you need to be the most authentic version of you.
Maybe you and I are destined for an 18 month journey together? Or maybe even longer (as Rebecca and I will, not necessarily as a client but as two souls that have been drawn together in this lifetime and will stay connected). If you’re feeling the pull to have a conversation with me I’d love that. You can get in touch by contacting me at bronwyntutty@gmail.com
Thank you for reading and being uniquely you
X Bron