I see you because I am you xx
I love getting into the nitty, gritty gutz of a situation. I love the depth of a good 1-2-1 conversation, in fact I prefer 1-2-1 over being in a group. I love deeply connecting with another. I love knowing the 'why' behind what does and doesn't make people tick. I love trying to understand why things/behaviours exist and are this way or that. I have a deep need to understand why humans do what they do and why they are the way they are. And I love that feeling when you know you're life is better for a conversation that was had, and when I know this is felt by the other person too. That's why I flipping love coaching and why one of the BEST DECISIONS of my life has been to become a Transformational Coach.
Its such a gift witnessing the growth, vulnerability, power and beauty unfold in a session/s with a client. It's like watching a flower slowly open to the summer...petal by petal.
People have such interesting stories and lead such interesting lives.
In this work I do I get the honour of seeing 'behind the scenes', to hear deep, vulnerable truths about challenges, pasts, traumas, dreams and desires. I get the privilege of hearing and exploring topics that peoples own friends and family haven't heard. I see this as such a gift. More and more I'm seeing themes and patterns that exists and play out for an individual and also how these repeat across a range of folk. I'm loving deepening into the understanding that significant underlying life events play out and result in certain behaviours. I see how interesting this in in myself as I work on my own stuff (which I'm sure is a life time project!) and have a greater understanding and empathy for why certain behaviours exist in myself and others.
draw on the pool of acquired useful tools & skills & signposting when out of my league
I've gathered LOADS of tools and skills and when it feels appropriate I incorporate & offer these to support someone on their journey. I sometimes find myself in a situation where something comes up which is 'out of my league', or it may just be that I know someone else would 'get to the point' and offer some targeted support/tools quicker than I could. I'm connected with a HUGE pool of skilled folk (because I'm a bit of an obsessive networker) so will comfortably signpost someone if it feels needed. Also, over the years I reckon I've reckon I've 'tried it all', if its meant to help feel or understand oneself better, you can be sure I've probably tried it. For several months now I've been seeing a Herbalist, a Psychotherapist and receiving the occasional EMDR session. All the coaching work has been great AND I was noticing how there were some 'deeper' habitual matters that needed attention, basically things that were preventing me from feeling great. It's been quite liberating actually to know that not everything can be dealt with in a 'good conversation' with a coach, and that other therapies can be complimentary. This isn't to say that overall I'm feeling better (apparently it gets worse before it gets better...often making me question why I started this in the first place! But of course I wouldn't change a thing).
I recently did the Enneagram test, which has been the topic of much conversation of late, its essentially a personality and emotional profiler test - its so so so interesting. Have you done it? Report back, I'd love to know what you came in at? I'm a 4...which is referred to as the 'Intense Creative' or the 'Individualist'.
At the of and even during a coaching session I often pinch myself, I'm there to hold space and ask good questions of a so a client can access the answers within. And actually, I often come away feeling like I've accessed an insight for something in myself/my own life. Its so powerful. Its almost like I'm being coached at the same time. WTF.
Actually, I feel similarly like this about my son, he too is my greatest teacher, illuminating parts of myself which WILL NOT allow themselves to remain unseen.
This week, I ran my very first session of my new course 'Shine Bright Like a Diamond'.
The course designed to:
Provide a safe supportive space for 'Diamonds' to feel seen, heard and supported.
Connect 'Diamonds' with a project/dream/belief they are wanting to action/shift
Come up with action steps to move forward, and take these steps during and outside of our sessions
By the end of our 6 weeks together to have 'hit their target'.
Its basically exactly what I do in a coaching session, so feels like the next logical step to offer this in group container, with the added bonus of the group support/vibe. In just over 2 hours we heard each others truths and dreams through a collection of lovely conversations. We got to hear in more depth what each person was hoping to get out of the course. It felt satisfying on so many levels. That I felt equipped enough to show up and do something for the first time and resist the urge to 'should' and 'wrong' all over myself feels really great and means I've personally come so far, it's a reminder that this work really works and shows me that this thing called life/expansion and growth is really just about taking the 'next step', seeing life as a series of small steps is useful for a person with a creative brain like mine which can easily get drawn into all manner of distractions.
I'm so 'on board' with supporting people to SHINE!
What I bring to coaching:
I see in people what and who they were always meant to be
I'm intuitive
I ask difficult (& loving) questions to serve a client powerfully
Speaking and encouraging truth telling
I challenge people to say and do things outside of their comfort zone (because that's where the growth lies), a big one is supporting folk to speaking their truth in their personal circles
We ALWAYS connect back with a clients reason for starting coaching, to be sure we're on track with what they came for
We ALWAYS get further than they thought and work on other areas of growth and expansion
I'm incredibly open to feedback of any sort, I empower my clients (and anyone who knows me) to be truthful in what they have to say, this feels especially important when it comes to clients who pay me. I need to be sure that I'm serving them with what they need. This can be an interesting one, because oftentimes a client comes to me with a fear of speaking/showing up.
I always check in with a client once our coaching term has come to an end, I wanna hear how they're getting on and remind them of my belief in them.
I just really love a good honest, vulnerable and loving conversation. I love people to feel seen and heard. I love doing this because it feels great and it helps those who I serve.
Don't take my word for it, here's what my clients have to say:
My time with Bronwyn has shifted my personality on a level I didn’t know was possible, her work has illuminated my spirit, my persona, my abilities to be myself and believe in myself. Bronwyn is an excellent coach, visionary and my testimonial can’t fully convey how much positivity she has given me during our time of being in contact. Her coaching is fabulous, her retreat was simply divine and her Nia dancing is uplifting. A beautiful human being, a great mentor and a true blessing!! Laura B, UK
Bron has an ability to always leave me feeling good about myself and where I am going in life. She has helped me connect with what matters, and to be courageous in pursuing it. Sessions with Bron were joyful, playful, supportive and caring. I feel like I have tangible tools that I learnt from our sessions along with an overall wash of goodness that will keep me fired up for many months to come. Thank you Bron!! x Kristen, Brisbane, Australia
Bronwyn magically manages to create a space of both explosive joy and deep unconditional love. I have had the pleasure of dancing under her vibrant instruction and witnessing the beauty of her coaching. Her ability to make you feel safe and simultaneously connected to joy, is an absolute gift. Kerry, UK
Bronwyn is absolute magic. I signed up for a block of coaching after having a few taster sessions and doing some of her Nia classes and wow am I glad I did. She has the ability to tune in to exactly what you need and uses music and visualisation to help focus in sessions which I loved. She is warm and makes you feel at ease and supported instantly. I felt like I shifted some blocks, gained focus on what I wanted and released a lot of fear so there was more space for joy and fun in life. Emma, UK
This gorgeous soul above was the inspiration behind deciding to create and deliver 'Shine Bright Like a Diamond'. In the space of a single 1-2-1 conversation we were able to get crystal clear about what blocks were in the way and what simple action steps could be taken in order to move forward. It felt so aligned for me to use these ingredients to create a course which others could benefit from.
I'm so inspired by what is possible in the space of a really good conversation. I'm so inspired by all those clients who trust me with their hopes, their hurts and their hurdles, and I'm grateful everyday that life has unfolded in this way and has led me to be doing something that I know in my bones makes the world a better place.
Thank you for your time today
I celebrate you and I see you
x Bron
#transformationalcoaching #agreatconversation #therapy #feelbetter #beseen #beheard #feelseen #feelheard #youdeservetoshine #iseeyou #iamyou