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Waking the dragon within

How my love of movement has had to become my work

I've just completed the Nia Blue Belt Training, literally just now as I type this Blog. This vid is a small re-cap of the week that has just been. In the event your internet connection will allow it AND you have the time, thank you for viewing x


In 2018 shortly after moving to Burntisland whilst on a train journey from Burntisland to Edinburgh I met textile artist Suzy Kirk. I got to have a lush chat while Poppit then aged 3 napped in his pram. After sharing my headline news on why I was in Burntisland she said 'you should go along to Nia, its a lovely community and we call it the 'burnt bridges club, we leave behind all that is burnt, you should come along - I think you'd love it'. I did exactly that, I regularly attended Nia classes with Karen Small, I'd take my son along and he'd busy himself at my legs and I started the long journey of self healing. Those classes were T R A N S F O R M A T I O N A L and dancing with Karen was beautiful, like a tonic or a balm to soothe my soul, uplift my emotions, condition my body and a glorious welcome into a new community. I had no idea at the time, but Karen was a beautiful role model for me. I never imagined going on to become a Nia teacher myself. Karen's style put me at ease and made me feel completely safe to move my body in ways I'd never moved it before, I'd always loved to dance but in the years prior this would generally only happen with booze, Karen 100% paved the way for me to have fun dancing while SOBER. Being my first ever Nia teacher Karen is also my favourite [note to self; must dance together again soon!], someone wise once said to me that the first person you dance Nia with 'imprints' on you, in my case I have to agree; and I've even had this fed back to me with some of my students - cool eh.

In 2018 I also trained in the Nia White Belt with Britta von Tagen and Letizia Accinelli in Burntisland, Scotland. I only signed up to the White Belt training the night before that started. I had no idea what the trainings were about so a Nia training defo wasn't on my radar. After dancing the routine Soul (which Britta herself choreographed) the night before the White Belt started I called my pal Dr Joy Sarah Madigan and shared that I'd pretty much just had an out of body experience, it was delicious. I let her talk me into signing up to White Belt starting the following day (it wasn't at all difficult, I wanted more). There was the job of sorting childcare out for my son for a week (which was a pretty big deal at the time) and it was also the invitation I was needing to deepen into 'trust and surrender', the timings couldn't have been better.

These are some pics from that time. Friendships for a lifetime were formed, an even deeper relationship with movement and my body and the beginning of the next level of personal growth for me. My closest pals are going to love that pic of me and all my teeth!

"Dancing Britta's routine Dragon in 2018 activated the dancer in me and connected me to something bigger than me"

On the last day of the White Belt training we danced 'Dragon', in was during that class that something activated inside of me which I'd long forgotten. I could tell you a huge story about it because it was so powerful AND actually 'less is more'. That day I connected to something bigger than me and properly awoke a deep passion for dance inside of myself. That routine will always take me right back to the way I felt at the end of the White Belt, it was a feeling I knew must never allow myself to lose.

White Belt was H U G E! It was my first time without my son for a week and there I was doing something for me, it brought up so much! If you're a junkie for deepening into your relationship with yourself, your body and wellbeing and how you show up in the world then I couldn't recommend this training more, regardless of it you want to teach Nia or not, for personal growth alone its powerful. Head over to to find out more.

Nia Blue Belt intensive training under my belt

It's July 28th 2023 as I write this, and along with 7 others I've just completed the week long Nia Blue Belt intensive with a focus on all aspects of 'Communication'. Britta was our trainer with Letizia (a beautiful and unexpected surprise) in attendance as part of her own teacher training. Connecting, Learning and Dancing with these treasures and deepening my relationship with Nia again has been EVERYTHING MY BODY, MIND, SPIRIT & SOUL HAVE BEEN CRAVING. The week has been sublime, emotional, powerful, energizing, enriching, conditioning....everything, you get the drift.

I signed up to the training on the day of the Blue Belt starting. I'd been feeling mixed about my relationship with Nia, then throw in some life stuff resulting in deliberately holding back on committing. I'll often do that, trusting that if its meant to be it'll be, as was the case this week. It also feels its important to acknowledge that as a self employed business owner I'm aware that last minute sign ups like these are both a blessing and come with their own stressors, and so to this, I'm M A S S I V E L Y grateful to all those involved who pulled the strings to make it happen behind the scenes too. xx

And so 5 years on from White Belt and I'm sat here reflecting over the medicine I've taken from the belts and how much has changed over half a decade and how my relationship with Nia and movement has been woven in to everything. A lot has unfolded (the following is more of a string of reminders for myself):

  • I grew and sold a natural skincare business

  • I've been teaching Nia now for over 4 years and more recently running regular Disco classes

  • Thrived in a global pandemic and taught online classes

  • My son started flexi schooling (attending 3 days), I took him out of school for a year (it was too big and busy), he's back in a new smaller school, loves it and is about to start attending 4 days!!

  • Bought Agricultural land in Scotland and have run loads of community movement events there

  • I trained as a Transformational Coach

  • Started a new business where I deliver coaching, movement sessions, events and retreats to support people with expansion and wellbeing

  • Collaborated with some absolute beauts and delivered some extraordinary events.

  • Created and delivered my first online 6 week course 'Shine Bright Like a Diamond'

  • I've run 3 successful Public Flash mob events

  • Returned to NZ to visit my family

  • Hiked in Iceland

  • Wrote a book (but didn't release it because it no longer felt right)

  • Started my journey with neurodiversity

  • Was in two beautiful and powerful romantic relationships, one with a woman

  • Started psychotherapy sessions

  • Been receiving coaching and mentorship for several years now

  • Been through some gnarly legal processes in relation to a breakup and my ability to stay in the country

  • Had some really difficult, honest and loving conversations with people close to me (which I could never have done with the coaching I've had).

  • Become really vigilant with a morning routine

  • And I could go on I'm sure, but brain says move one with the story

'Where along the path to your ideal are you?'

A question we were asked by Britta everyday in the Blue Belt, and multiple times per day, which was accompanied by a Nia 5-stages practice which we would move through to find an answer. Yes we'd let our bodies answer the question and give the mind a break. It was POWERFUL! And definitely something I'm integrating into my life going forward. I love a practice that tackles multiple things at once.

I'm on the right path, I truly am, I feel it in my bones. Its not always straight forward and I have to work at feeling ok in life and living in alignment with my purpose. It takes work to manage my beautiful mind which thinks deeply, has loads of ideas, can get hyper fixated and can gravitate towards worry. This week I've acquired more brilliant tools and practices which I can apply in my own life and share with my clients.

Something that has stuck out to me over the last week while and feels more prevalent this week is 'discipline'. It needs to be the next step for me. It feels a bit scary and really needed. It's going to involve mentorship for guidance and accountability, asking for support, physically, emotionally, mentally and lovingly pushing and committing myself. Watch this space to see where this takes me.

"When the student is ready the teacher presents themselves". Wise words Britta shared with me back in 2018.
"I am, therefore I teach". Britta von Tagen

Blue Belt, the time together in a safe, supportive and loving group of women, powerful daily practices which will form part of the discipline into my way of life and being guided through a powerful training by Britta. My heart is full.

"Working together for the greater good of humanity and the planet. Britta von Tagen"

Our final dance together yesterday was Britta's routine 'Global Water Dance'. I wasn't the only one unleashing some big feelings. Britta's commitment to her cause and the environment is so powerful and moving, many of us were moved to tears. I released more of those same tears that the routine Dragon set free in me. That feeling of being connected with something bigger than myself and seeing that I'm a small (and significant) piece of the pie of life. I'm so grateful to all the beauty and beings. I feel inspired and fired up!

I have to move my body, its not-negotiable for me to feel less in my head. It feels important for me to acknowledge that this time we're all living in with technology, distractions, temptations, digging up past traumas, doing the self work and the piling demands required to stay on top of life - it takes work. Moving my body is not negotiable for me to be the best version of the person I came to this world to be. For myself, my son, my clients, my community, the planet and this one sweet life.

Thank you for your time today and for being a small and significant part of my life and this beautiful life and world we live in.

x Bron

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